
Boxability presentation night

Sat, 3 Feb
from 6:15pm to 8:30pm

by Les Mcleese
Posted: 9 months ago
Updated: 9 months ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Europe/London
Reminder: 6 hours before
Ends: 08:30pm (duration is about 2 hours)

This is for boxability members

Over the past 2 years we have had a photographer called Steve crook document the boxability project.The aim was to showcase the development of the project over a period of time through print and a book.

we are now at the conclusion of the project and we are going to have a showcase event called WHAT DID YOU DO TODAY

On the 3rd February we will be holding a presentation evening at the Masonic hall on Fairfield lane.

tou will have the opportunity to view the prints and have a look at the book. The book will be availible to pre order on the night in both hard back and paperback.

the night will have some presentations from both Steve and the boxability leaders.even if you are new to boxability you are welcome as we will be presenting all boxability members with a small trophy

there will be a buffet and the bar is open for both alchaolif and non alcoholic drinks

the event will be from 6pm till 8:30/9pm

we will send out more details nearer the time

Please fill in this form

You can find my form “What have You Done Today” at: https://form.jotform.com/240072487605052


Masonic Hall

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